Privacy Statement

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This website (hereinafter the “Website“) is provided by 2022 Environmental Science AU Pty Ltd, (hereinafter “Envu” “us” or “we”). For further information regarding the provider of the Website, please refer to our imprint.

A. Handling of personal information

We wish to provide you with information on how we handle your personal information when you use our Website. Unless otherwise indicated below, the legal basis for the handling of your personal information results from the fact that such handling is required to make available the functionalities of the Website requested by you.1

Envu is required to comply with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (“Privacy Act”) and our privacy policy sets out how Envu seeks to ensure that any personal information we hold about you is collected, used, stored and disclosed in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act.

B. Using our Website

1. Accessing our Website

When you use our Website, your browser will transfer the data set out below to our web server. This is done for technical reasons and required to make available to you the requested information. To facilitate your access to the Website, the following data is collected, briefly stored and used:

  • IP address
  • date and time of access
  • time zone difference to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
  • content of request (specific site)
  • status of access/HTTP status code
  • transferred volume of data
  • website requesting access
  • browser, language settings, version of browser software operating system and surface

We will store such data for a limited period of time in order to be able to initiate a tracking of personal data in the event of actual or attempted unauthorized access to our servers. 2

2. Setting of cookies

a) What are cookies?

This Website uses “cookies”. Cookies are small text files that are stored in the on your hard drive via your browser. They store certain information (e.g. your preferred language or site settings) which your browser may (depending on the lifespan of the cookie) retransmit to us upon your next visit to our Website.

b) What cookies do we use?

We use two categories of cookies: (1) functional cookies, without which the functionality of our Website would be reduced, and (2) optional cookies used for e.g. website analysis and marketing purposes. The following table contains a detailed description of the optional cookies we use:




Nom : _ga ; _gat ; _gid

Provider: Google Inc.

Function: Statistical analysis These cookies allow the analysis of your use of the site by assigning a randomly generated unique identifier to your device to recognize your device on your next visit.

6 months


Name: msd365mkttr
Provider: Microsoft Dynamics
Function: Behavior tracking
Third party site cookie to track and connect visitor's activity with CRM contact/lead. This cookie carries out information about how the visitor uses the website and its forms.

13 months


Name: msd365mkttrs
Provider: Microsoft Dynamics
Function: Session tracking
Third party site cookie that allows the use of a specific form that sends the user-provided data to Microsoft Dynamics 365. These cookies are necessary for the site to function properly. This cookie carries out information about how the visitor uses the website and its forms.

13 months



c) Subject to your consent

We only use optional cookies if we have obtained your prior consent.3 Upon your first access to our Website, a banner will appear, asking you to give us your consent to the setting of optional cookies. If your consent is given, we will place a cookie on your computer and the banner will not appear again as long as the cookie is active. After expiration of the cookie’s lifespan, or if you actively delete the cookie, the banner will reappear upon your next visit to our Website and again ask for your consent.

d) How to prevent the setting of cookies

Of course you may use our Website without any cookies being used at all (including Functional Cookies). You can configure your browser to reject, restrict or deactivate the use of cookies, or to inform you when they are being set. This may, however, have a certain negative impact on the functionality and user-friendliness of our Website. You may at any time object to the setting of optional cookies by using the respective objection option indicated in the table above.

3. Website Analysis

On our Website we use Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States (“Google”).
Google will analyze your use of our Website on our behalf. To this purpose we use the cookies described in more detail in the above table. The information collected by Google in connection with your use of our Website (e.g. the referring URL, our webpages visited by you, your browser type, your language settings, your operating system, your screen resolution) will be transmitted to a server of Google in the United States, where it will be stored and analyzed. The respective results will then be made available to us in anonymized form. In this process, your usage data will not be connected to your full IP address during this process. We have activated on our Website the IP anonymizing function offered by Google, which will delete the last 8 bits (type IPv4) or the last 80 bits (type IPv6) of your IP address.
Moreover, by concluding specific agreements with Google we ensure that an adequate level of data protection is maintained with respect to the processing of personal data by Google in the US.

You may opt-out from to the use of web analysis at any time, either by downloading and installing the provided Google Browser Plugin or by administrating your consents in the above table, in which case an opt-out cookie will be placed. Both options will prevent the application of web analysis only as long as you use the browser on which you installed the plugin and do not delete the opt-out Cookie.

Further information on Google Analytics is available in the Google Analytics Terms of Use, the Privacy and Data Protection Guidelines of Google Analytics and in the Google Privacy Policy.


4. Online behavioral advertising

This Website uses DoubleClick, a so-called targeted advertising service of Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States (“Google“).
Google will analyze your use of this Website. To this purpose we use the cookies described in more detail in the above table. The information collected by Google in connection with your use of our Website (e.g. the referring URL, our webpages visited by you, your browser type, your language settings, your operating system, your screen resolution) will be transmitted to a server of Google in the US, where it will be stored and analyzed. We and our partner Google will use this information to better tailor our advertisements to you and your interests, to limit the number of times you are shown the same advertisement, to evaluate the efficiency of promotional campaigns, and to better comprehend the behavior of visitors after they have looked at a certain ad. When you visit another website of the so-called “Google Display Network”, customized pop-ups tailored to your interests can be presented to you on the basis of the information collected on our Website.

You may withdraw your consent to this type of analysis of your use of this Website at any time either by administrating your consents in the above table, in which case an opt-out cookie will be placed, or by downloading and installing the Google Browser Plugin offered by Google. Both options will prevent the use of web analysis only as long as you use the browser on which you installed the plugin and do not delete the opt-out Cookie.

Further information on Google DoubleClick is available on the Google Data Protection Guidelines for Advertising.


5. Use of contact forms

You can contact us directly via the contact forms available on our Website. In particular, you may provide us with the following information:

  • Name, email address, address and phone number

We collect, process and use the information provided by you via the contact forms exclusively for the processing of your specific request.


6. Subscription to our newsletter

On our Website, you may subscribe to receive our newsletter. Based on your prior consent, we will collect and use the email address you indicate for providing you with the newsletter.4

If you wish to receive a customized newsletter, you may, on a voluntary basis, provide us with the following additional information:

  • Name, email address, address, phone number

For subscription to our newsletter we use the so-called double opt-in procedure. After you have subscribed to the newsletter on our Website, we will send you a message to the indicated email address asking for your confirmation. If you do not confirm your subscription, your subscription will automatically be deleted. In order to prevent any misuse of your personal data, we will log your subscription and confirmation, filing the IP address you use when subscribing, the time of your subscription and confirmation, the messages sent by us regarding your subscription, and the wording of your subscription and confirmation.

You may at any time with future effect revoke your consent to receive our newsletter. To declare that you wish to unsubscribe, you may use the respective link included in all newsletters, or refer to the contacts indicated below.


7. External services or content on our Website

We include third-party services and/or content on our Website. When you use such third-party services or when third-party content is displayed, communication data are exchanged between you and the respective provider for technical reasons.

The respective provider of the services or content may also process your data for own additional purposes. To the best of our knowledge, we have configured the services and content of providers known to process data for own purposes in such a way that either any communication for other purposes than to present their services or content on our Website is blocked, or communication only takes place once you have actively opted to use the respective service. However, since we have no control over data collected and processed by third parties, we are not in a position to provide binding information regarding the scope and purpose of such processing of your data.

For further information regarding the scope and purpose of such collection and processing of your data, please consult the privacy statements of the providers whose services and/or content we include and who are responsible for the protection of your data in this context:

  • Facebook share button
  • Google+ share button
  • Twitter share button
  • LinkedIn share button
  • YouTube videos
  • maps of Google Maps


8. Information on incorrect product use and quality complaints

This Website is not intended or designed for communications regarding grey market products/counterfeit products, incorrect or off-label use, quality complaints and/or other issues regarding the safeness or quality of Envu products. If you wish to report such matters or make a quality complaint, please contact us via the Customer Care Line 1800 024 209.

If you nevertheless report to us issues regarding the safeness or quality of Envu products, we will be legally bound to deal with your communication and may have to contact you for clarification purposes. Subsequently, we may have to notify the competent authorities of the issues reported by you. In this context, your information will be forwarded in pseudonymized form, i.e. no information by which you may be directly identified will be passed on. We may also have to forward these pseudonymized notifications to our group companies and cooperation partners, to the extent these are likewise obliged to notify their respectively competent authorities.


C. Transfer of personal data for commissioned processing

For the processing of your personal data we will to some extent use specialized service contractors. Such service contractors are carefully selected and regularly monitored by us. Based on respective data processor agreements, they will only process personal data upon our instruction and strictly in accordance with our directives.


Third party

Scope and purpose of transfer

Legal bases



Hosting of website to allow agents to validate that the product purchaser has completed the relevant compliance training before purchase.

GDPR Art 6.1 (b) – processing is necessary for the performance of a contract

AWS Contact details:


Hosting of website to allow agents to validate that the product purchaser has completed the relevant compliance training before purchase.

GDPR Art 6.1 (b) – processing is necessary for the performance of a contract

Cucumber contact details:


To facilitate compliance training for certification of Envu products.

GDPR Art 6.1 (b) – processing is necessary for the performance of a contract

Intuto Contact details:

Spinifex Communications

To facilitate and support the ENVU sales teams (Pest and Turf) by providing communication and product information.

GDPR Art 6.1 (b) – processing is necessary for the performance of a contract

Spinifex Contact Details:



1. Information regarding your rights

Right of access and correction
You have the right to review and amend any personal data stored in our system if you believe it may be out of date or incorrect. Just send an e-mail to the address given in the imprint or contact the Data Privacy Officer at the address below.

Right of cancellation
You have the right at any time to withdraw your consent to the use of your personal data in the future. Again, just send an e-mail to the address given in the imprint or contact the Data Privacy Officer at the address below.

Data retention
We only retain personal data for as long as is necessary for us to render a service you have requested or to which you have given your consent, except where otherwise provided by law (e.g. in connection with pending litigation).

Overseas Recipients
Envu is a member of the Envu Group of Companies, a global organization with offices within and outside of Australia.

Information held by Envu about you may in some circumstances be stored on Envu databases housed in overseas locations including but not limited to Germany, China, Singapore, the Philippines and the United States of America. For example, in order to facilitate the receipt and payment of accounts, Envu must transfer personal information overseas to the Philippines. All Envu companies are committed to compliance with internal data protection policies which contain provisions substantially similar to the Australian Privacy Principles and in many cases to similar laws in the other jurisdictions.

Envu also deals with external service providers located in countries within and outside of Australia, such as in Singapore, United States and Ireland and in such cases, Envu takes reasonable steps, including by contract provisions, to ensure that these service providers do not breach the Australian Privacy Principles.

In light of the importance of protecting children’s privacy, we do not collect, process or use on our website any information relating to an individual whom we know to be under 13 years old without the prior, verifiable consent of his or her legal representative. Such legal representative has the right, upon request, to view the information provided by the child and/or to require that it be deleted.


D. Contact

All enquiries or complaints regarding your personal informational should be made in writing to:

The Privacy Officer
C/o 2022 Environmental Science AU Pty Ltd.
Suite 2.06, Level 2,
737 Burwood Rd,

Hawthorn East
Victoria 3123

Or by email:

Envu will respond to your complaint within 30 days of receipt of your correspondence or within any further time notified to you in writing. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the response you receive, we can refer you to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (as applicable) for further investigation.


E. Amendment of Privacy Statement

Envu reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Statement and our Privacy Policy from time to time, but will ensure that they are posted to our websites without delay. Any amendments become effective upon publication on our Website. We therefore recommend that you regularly visit the site to keep yourself informed on possible updates.


1. (Art. 6(1)(b) General Data Protection Regulation)

2. (Art. 6(1)(f) General Data Protection Regulation).

3. (Art. 6(1)(a) General Data Protection Regulation)

4. (Art. 6(1)(a) General Data Protection Regulation)

Last updated: November 3rd 2022