Banol And Reserve Stressgard Are Camden Golf Club's Choice Solution For Turf Diseases.

Camden Golf Club deals with Pythium using BanolĀ® and optimises plant health and vigour with ReserveĀ® Stressgard. Hear what Course Superintendent Shane Herring has to say.

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Shane Herring, Course Superintendent at The Camden Golf Club in New South Wales shares his insights into the turf challenges he faces at his golf club. Shane deals with several disease challenges due to the age of the greens and drainage issues. One of the main diseases the club has to manage is Pythium.

Envu's Banol® is regularly used as part of their fungicide program to control this issue. During the summer, Reserve Stressgard® is used to combat stress and promote healthier grass. Watch the video to learn more.

(Update: Shane resigned as Superintendent in May 2020. Justin Bradbury is now the Course Superintendent.)

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Always read the label before use.

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*Disclaimer: As of Oct 4th 2022, the Environmental Science division of Bayer was divested and transferred to Envu. Note that this content was produced prior to separation.

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